The Mottee Stone

This week I had the pleasure of traveling to The Mottee Stone in Dublin, Ireland. This panorama, captured by Nigel Walshe, is a magnificent representation of the natural site. As I arrived upon the top of the mountain where the stone is located, a feeling of extreme spiritualism washed over me. I studied what lied below my feet. The floor of the mountaintop is concentric with black earth in the middle, yellow terrain following, and then green grass at the outer ring. I look up, and the Mottee Stone lies in my direct line of vision. As I approached the stone I took in what lied above and below where I was standing. Below me laid the entire landscape of Wicklow County, with never ending beautiful green fields expanding into the horizon. I was in awe at how lush the grassland was, I’m sure that this is what golf courses try to be but ultimately cannot. Above me lies the sky, with a streak of clouds leading a straight path to the stone. The clouds are grey and set a solemn atmosphere, with pockets of open sky and sunshine that add a heavenly feel. The clouds in the sky streak in a line that almost feel like they are pointing to the stone. The stone is covered in rungs that allow me to climb up and sit upon it, and gaze at the scenery. When I am finally able to comprehend all of my surroundings in harmony with each other, I am humbled by the beauty of the site. Wicklow County holds a lot of historical significance to Ireland, as detailed by Siobhan Kilfeather in her book Dublin: A Cultural History, and is the setting for historical events such as the Baltinglass rebellion. I thoroughly enjoyed my time exploring Wicklow County, and would highly recommend it to anybody who is interested in visiting Ireland.

1 Comment

  1. I know we saw the same images, but your description really made me feel like I was there with you and feeling the place in a way I didn’t on my own because I don’t have the same associations. This post reminded me of the importance of observing the photos in all angles. I appreciate that you connected that a place can have meaning throughout time and that meaning can be informed by time, echoing what Kilfeather wrote about natural surroundings shaping a city.

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