
Travel Diary Assignment:

  1. Write 300–500 words about the following:
    • Describe new surroundings you found interesting.
    • Make a connection between something you saw/found and something you read in the literature.
    • Attach at least one image and a title to your entry.
    • Using lowercase letters, tag the week number (i.e. weeknine, not week9 or WeekNine) and location (i.e. abbeytheatre, not AbbeyTheatre) in the tag section.
    • Select “Blog Post” and deselect “Uncategorized” under the category section.
  2. Respond to a peer’s diary entry and ask a question or make a new connection between places or place and text. Respond to a new peer every time and to someone without a response already. Feel free to respond to more than one entry!

Travel Diary Guidelines:

  1. We need to be able to identify the poster. Therefore, your WordPress username must be your first and last name OR your UCLA username.
  2. Complete all the above directions, but get creative with your entries! Add a video; link to a relevant article; experiment with the features of WordPress.

Annotation Assignment:

  1. Coming soon!