One of the main themes from this week, to me, was the feeling of paralysis. It’s something palpable that can…
Magdalene Laundries This week, I did some more concentrated wandering into another piece of Ireland’s complicated history. I toured the Magdalene…
Joyce and Otherness
When reading Joyce, I noticed multiple references to Eastern exoticism. The first occurs in the…
Imagining Dublin Across The Globe
This week, my virtual travels took me outside of Dublin and to the West of Ireland. Joyce’s Dubliners, while taking…
Chapelizod: Iseult’s Chapel
As we read Dubliners this week, ‘A Painful Case’ struck me the most. I wanted so badly to give Mr.…
Eveline, Eurydice
When thinking of “Eveline” and the titular heroine’s struggle to leave Dublin, I was reminded of the Ancient Greek myth…
Angst and Metallic Grey Eyeshadow
All right, I’m not sure if anyone else was raised with super angsty, goth cousins, but I sure was, so…
The Heart of Dublin
This week we read Dubliners, a collection of short stories written by James Joyce that chronicles the lives of many…
Humanity, The Dead, and Joyce
One thing that I really enjoyed about “The Dead”was that nothing really happened. What I mean by that is that…
Artful Repetition in Yeats
What most interested me about Yeats was the repetition that artfully goes unnoticed in each of the poems. Its almost…