1. I really enjoyed reading your post, Michelle! I think the comparison between Oscar Wilde and the Sheridan family was well written and a necessary one for understanding the impact of class lines and society on Ireland. I also think your open question at the end was super interesting and makes the reader critically think about what you had just written.

  2. This was such an intriguing post! I love that you drew a connection between Wilde and Sheridan, as their stories are both a bit tragic, though they faced different adversities. I think maybe Wilde would have had a very different life had he remained in Ireland, but it might not have been the one he desired. Or maybe he would never have become the great name as we know him today. It’s interesting to think about how our decisions can impact our entire future, even after death. Despite his downfalls in other countries, or perhaps because of them (?) Wilde has been welcomed home to Ireland with open arms as a symbol of their prowess, their creativity, their activism, their unapologetic embrace of themselves, and inspires people all over the world.

  3. I was immediately drawn to your post because of the photos you chose. I think it is important to note that the family displayed pieces the referenced his work out of pride. I wonder if there may be other reasons. Maybe it’s The Importance of Being Earnest influencing me, but I wonder if part of the reason is also to display status because of Wilde’s position as a prominent author. It is also interesting that you bring up staying in Ireland may have shielded Wilde from the trail he had to undergo. Although Ireland is known for liberal politics concerning LGBTQ right, the country used to be very conservative which unfortunately led Wilde to the same fate.

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