Glendalough is a earl medieval settlement located in Ireland that speaks to the nature and culture of the country. Through the use of a google cardboard VR headset and the 360cities website, I was able to virtually visit the location of Glendalough and enjoy the absolute beauty of this location. Through the VR headset I was placed in the middle of a graveyard and able to have a 360o view of the location and its surroundings. The settlement is located in a valley a massive hill covered with vegetation can be seen in the distance of the settlement. I noticed that many of the gravestones are misaligned and falling over while a few of the main buildings are also falling apart. Most of the stone architecture is covered with moss and the entire area is being swallowed with vegetation, making you wonder whether the architecture or the vegetation came first. I love the bright green colors of the vegetation and how they contrast with the gray color of the architecture and the sky.
One interesting thing about this early medieval settlement is the connection that it has to the Viking influence on Ireland. The earliest Viking expeditions to Ireland occurred around the late 8th century where Viking fleets raided and destroyed many Irish settlements. Viking raids targeted isolated monasteries because they knew they would face little resistance from the local monks and that there were a variety of precious metals they could loot as treasure. It is possible that this settlement was raided by Vikings and abandoned in its ruined state to be left to the mercy of nature. Vikings raided Ireland for several centuries before they were ultimately met with resistance and as a result of their presence in Ireland during those years there are many Viking influences in Ireland, one of the most notable being the city of Dublin. (
The early medieval settlement of Glendalough is a gorgeous location in Ireland with the lush green vegetation beginning to swallow the stone architecture of the area. I was sad to be limited to just the one 360cities image of the area because I wanted to explore more of the area. In an actual visit to Ireland I would love to make a stop at this location because of how beautiful it is and I would also like to see inside some of the ruined buildings.
I like how you noted that the Vikings attacked and destroyed isolated monasteries because they could not match their power and such isolated parts of Ireland was easy to overtake. I had no knowledge of the Vikings raiding Ireland. Who do you think created those tombstones? Was it after or before such raids?