This week I got to explore and comprehend more on the history of Irish literature in the late nineteenth centuries and the early twentieth centuries. It was interesting to learn how literature can help a country form a new foundation of principles and beliefs as Terence Brown explain throughly in his Cultural Nationalism. Literature was used to lead a movement for the Irish in directing them in a path to build their own language, but beyond that it served as a way to create an identity for the country of Ireland. It was quite interesting learning that to some literature had the power of replacing politics in a country. It had innovated the cultural nationalism movement to creating a new lifestyle that would be reflected in the way authors expressed in their writings. This movements had cause a shift for Irish to associate themselves with the early stages of Modernism as Brown explains in his book.

NosferatuMax Schreck in Nosferatu (1922), directed by F.W. Murnau.Werner Herzog Filmproduktion
Courtesy of Britannica Website
This made me think of the book we read this week, Dracula. Reading this book made me think of many themes to it and one of them was the modern and the past, so when Brown spoke on The Irish Literary Revival and how Irish where moving forward with the past influence I saw a connection there. It allowed to comprehend how Dracula may have been influenced by this literary movement in Ireland. Dracula character served as the past in which he finds difficult to adapt to the future in a sense where clashes with modernization. I came across an analysis by Britannica website on the book in which they share more analysis on the theme of past and modern in which they describe Dracula seeking Lucy’s blood and her dying due to that. In which that represent her, the modern, dying from the hands of Dracula, the past. After reading Brown passage it all came to a sense of how modernism was i a sense reflects in Dracula. It was nice to have a broader perspective of the book by knowing more of the Irish Literature history.
#weekthree#Dracula#Terence Brown